Instituut voor Studie van Schimmel in Menselijke Woningen

Institut pour l'Etude de Moisissure Fongique dans Habitations Humaines

Forschung Insitute für Schimmelpilze in Innenräumen


for the study of


2000     Research Association with New Jersey Mold Inspection Services     2005

 a world 
 wide organisation that represents all scientists and doctors with a special interest in fungal diseases. ISHAM is an independant society that is non-political and non-discriminatory. It exists solely to encourage and facilitate the study and practice of     all aspects of medical    and veterinary mycology.




 Research Sites

The Mycological 
 Society of 
 America is a scientific society dedicated to advancing the science of mycology - the study of fungi of all kinds including molds,     yeasts, lichens, plant        pathogens, and    medically 

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Raimond Sabouraud (1864-1938)

Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris en 1890, Sabouraud suivit la même année le cours de bactériologie de Roux à l'Institut Pasteur et sut appliquer les nouvelles méthodes de microbiologie à l'étude des mycoses cutanées. Il découvrit ainsi un milieu de culture des champignons qui porte son nom.

Spécialiste des maladies du cuir chevelu, Sabouraud fut Directeur du laboratoire de l'Ecole des teigneux à l'hôpital Saint-Louis.

De 1893 à 1932, il publia de nombreux travaux sur les dermatophyties (mycoses) et sur les maladies du cuir chevelu.

Sabouraud était également un peintre et un sculpteur de grand talent.


At the   Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris in 1890, Sabouraud introduced in Saint-Louis the bacteriological methods recently invented by Pasteur and his pupils.

Thanks to this ability he could set a definite mycologic "milieu de culture" still named milieu de Sabouraud.

Specialist of scalp diseases (fungal diseases), Sabouraud was the Director of the Laboratory of the "Ecole des teigneux" founded by Lailler. In addition to being a worlwide known mycologist, Sabouraud was a talentuous painter and sculptor.

His contribution to the science of  mycology will always be recognized and appreciated for his work.